Naturism Resources


This page is a miscellaneous collection of links to web pages which will be useful references. Please let us know about any suggestions or corrections. This page does not have links to BN documents concerning these issues. They are listed on the Briefings Page.

General resources Public naturist places Health and Safety Modesty Censorship Fellow travellers Or at least travelling in vaguely the same direction! Equalities Legal references

Remember, the object of an arrest is conviction, not justice. Unless a solicitor (preferably not the duty solicitor) advises otherwise say nothing apart from establishing who you are.

Laws abused to harass naturists

Naturism is legal in a much wider range of circumstances than many lawyers, police and CPS can believe but it is too complex to go into here.

If arrested under no circumstances say anything to the police without advice from the duty solicitor and then only with great caution. See s.6(4) of Public Order Act 1986 for an example of why. Do not accept a caution or anything similar without consulting with us first. We can not provide legal advice but we can help you to ask your lawyer the right questions.

There is no offence of nudity and indecent exposure is misleading slang. The archaic Victorian offences were all repealed by the Sexual Offences Act 2003 and the replacement, which was specifically designed to protect Naturists, is called "Exposure". All of the following have been used or threatened.

Laws protecting naturists

Naturists are just as entitled to protection by the law as anyone else. There is an enormous list of possible laws but these are ones that we have come across which seem particularly relevant. When reporting something to the police make clear that it was a "hate crime" and that you are making a formal complaint. Make sure you get a crime number.

Bureaucracy Other Resources